Thursday, September 14, 2006

Mike the HSC Graduate

additions to flickr - mikes grad to come

Out comes the baby album - scanned a couple of photos when I was young, Susie at 4 and Janet 18mos. How cute and baby Mike. Baby Mike is now a graduated HSC student. Wow....where has all the time gone....... The occasion was very grand, the Graduation held at the Sydney Town Hall, musical items of a very professional standard, performed by students...... wonderful occasion. I took some photos, not very good ones but will post a couple for you to get the idea. Mike wasn't overly excited as the final HSC exams are to be held a month from now. Still more work to be done. I am so proud of my son - he carries himself very, VERY well. He is very much a young man now, demonstrates maturity beyond his years. Well done mate........

Have to sign out .... will be back shortly.....all my love to all.......mwa